How Teens Can Get Physical Exercise Without Playing Sports

When some people think physical exercise they think sports. Think sports: basketball, football, lacrosse, track, etc… Well, that’s not all physical exercise is. It can also be things we do in our daily lives.

There are many different ways to get physical exercise without sports or the gym. You could easily volunteer as the dog walker in your family. Also when you are out of town take the stairs not the elevator at the hotel. Or just go get the mail. See? there are many different ways to get exercise with out making a huge commitment.

Why does this all mater? Well, because with school and homework we are sitting down a lot. So we’re not running around as much as we did when we were five. We also have lots of choices at our age choosing what we eat and we must run it off some how.

Therefore you don’t have to play sports to get physical exercise.